Get Ready for a Paws-itively Exciting Saturday October 24th:
OTNCP’s Events Committee, ably headed by Margaret Townsend of Rivers Edge Studio, is once again producing Paws for the Park, our premiere fall event.
Area dogs, kids and the folks who love them will once again gather for DOGA, Pumpkin Painting, a Blessing of the Animals, K-9 Games including the ever popular Musical Sit, a fabulous fur filled Costume Parade for two and four legged contestants and much more.
Alexandria City Mayor William Euille will open the festivities and, along with other local luminaries, will be judging events and awarding prizes.
All are welcome!
When: October 24th, 11:30 -1:30
Where: Montgomery Park
Cost: $20 Proceeds to benefit the Montgomery Dog Park Improvement Fund, the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria, and the Alexandria Police Department K-9 Program
Limited Sponsorship and volunteer opportunities available
Contact: Old Town North Commuunity Partnership at 703 836-8066
We anticipate being able to display plans for the renovation of the dog park at the Paws event; we are currently awaiting these plans from the City’s Department of Recreation and Parks.
Next Waterfront Plan Meeting Scheduled for September 29:
The next step in the City’s Waterfront Plan process will be a community meeting on Tuesday, September 29 from 7 to 9 pm, to be held at the Torpedo Factory on North Union Street between King and Cameron Streets. The City’s website at provides details of past events on the Waterfront Plan, including a charette held in June and a tour of potentially relevant projects in Manhattan. The City also maintains a Facebook page for the waterfront, where you can contribute your opinions and photos of waterfronts you like (it is not necessary to have a Facebook account to look at this page, which can be accessed from the link above). Christa Watters is representing OTNCP at the Waterfront meetings.
Musical of Musicals Now Playing at MetroStage:
Now through October 18, MetroStage, our neighborhood professional theater, is presenting a “hilarious parody of musical theater, in which one story becomes five different musicals”. The musical won the Audience Choice Awards 2007 for best musical, best actress and best actor. Call MetroStage at 703-548-9044 for further information and tickets.
For further information about OTNCP activities or to find out what’s going on in our neighborhood, contact Elizabeth at 703-836-8066. If she doesn’t know the answer, she will find someone who will.