On Thursday, September 29th the Old Town North Community Partnership is hosting the Annual Taste of Old Town North in Montgomery Park. The Taste is a celebration of all the charms of Old Town North and the Parker- Gray Historic District.
As a health and wellness provider in Old Town North and the surrounding neighborhood, we invite you to present to the community a taste of what you do best. We are not charging the community to join in any of the activities at the Taste nor will we be charging a fee to participants!
We do ask participating businesses to join the Old Town North Business Community. Learn more about the benefits of membership here.
Wellness Demos will take place between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm.
We hope that you will be able to join us. The residents and business people who frequent our sidewalks need to know you and what you do.
Please let us know soon as possible about your interest in supporting this great neighborhood event and the work of the Old Town North Community Partnership so we can make sure to list you on all of the marketing, social media materials and our media release.
An opportunity not to be missed!
The price of a listing in the 2022 – 2023 Old Town North Community Business Member Directory, both print and online versions.
2022 Listing Cost $75
Your promotional materials will be displayed on the Old Town North Community Partnership Table.
Please keep in mind that the purpose of this event is to showcase what we have in Old Town North and to encourage people to live, work and play here!
"Hilco Redevelopment Partners (HRP) is proud to support the Old Town North Community Partnership and looks forward to helping showcase what this area has to offer with the Taste of Old Town North. We are honored to work with OTNCP and its initiatives that enrich the Old Town community and reflect our work prioritizing sustainability and strengthening communities.
Working with partners like OTNCP that share the same values and mission to create an area where people can live, work, and play is critical as we continue our transformation of the Potomac River Generating Station site. We are excited to reintegrate the once underutilized lot into a vibrant and walkable hub with businesses, housing, thousands of jobs, and open waterfront access that all community members can enjoy.”
~ HRP Spokesperson
Old Town North Community Partnership
Margaret Townsend, President, The Old Town North Community Partnership
Email: info@oldtownnorth.org